Tiek izīrēts plašs, gaišs un elegants sešu istabu divlīmeņu dzīvoklis (3. un 4. stāvs) 224 m² platībā, kas atrodas prestižā Rīgas centra tuvumā – Ģertrūdes ielā 117. Šis dzīvoklis ir tikko pēc remonta, kura laikā pirmajā stāvā tika pārkrāsotas visas sienas un nomainītas lampas, piešķirot telpām mūsdienīgāku un pievilcīgāku izskatu.
Dzīvoklis ir pilnībā mēbelēts un aprīkots ar visu nepieciešamo tehniku, tostarp veļasmašīnu, trauku mazgājamo mašīnu, mikroviļņu krāsni, cepeškrāsni un iebūvētajiem skapjiem. Komfortu papildina arī kamīns, kas rada īpašu mājīguma sajūtu.
Ēkā ir nodrošināta video novērošana, savukārt automašīnai ir pieejama droša vieta garāžā mājas pagalmā. Dzīvoklī uzstādīta autonoma gāzes apkures sistēma, kas nodrošina samērīgus komunālos maksājumus.
Īres cena: 1495 EUR mēnesī + drošības maksa viena mēneša īres maksas apmērā. Šī ir lieliska iespēja dzīvot Rīgas centra tuvumā, modernā un ērtā dzīvoklī.
A spacious, bright and elegant six-room duplex apartment (3rd and 4th floor) of 224 m² is for rent, located in a prestigious area near the center of Riga - at 117 Ģertrūdes Street. This apartment has just undergone renovation, during which all the walls on the first floor were repainted and the lamps were replaced, giving the rooms a more modern and attractive look.
The apartment is fully furnished and equipped with all the necessary appliances, including a washing machine, dishwasher, microwave, oven and built-in wardrobes. The comfort is also complemented by a fireplace, which creates a special feeling of coziness.
The building is equipped with video surveillance, while a safe place for the car is available in the garage in the yard. The apartment has an autonomous gas heating system, which ensures reasonable utility payments.
Rental price: 1495 EUR per month + security fee in the amount of one month's rent. This is a great opportunity to live near the center of Riga, in a modern and comfortable apartment.
A spacious, bright and elegant six-room duplex apartment (3rd and 4th floor) of 224 m² is for rent, located in a prestigious area near the center of Riga - at 117 Ģertrūdes Street. This apartment has just undergone renovation, during which all the walls on the first floor were repainted and the lamps were replaced, giving the rooms a more modern and attractive look.
The apartment is fully furnished and equipped with all the necessary appliances, including a washing machine, dishwasher, microwave, oven and built-in wardrobes. The comfort is also complemented by a fireplace, which creates a special feeling of coziness.
The building is equipped with video surveillance, while a safe place for the car is available in the garage in the yard. The apartment has an autonomous gas heating system, which ensures reasonable utility payments.
Rental price: 1495 EUR per month + security fee in the amount of one month's rent. This is a great opportunity to live near the center of Riga, in a modern and comfortable apartment.