Piedāvājumā izsmalcināts modernās klasikas dzīvoklis prestižajā Klusā Centra rajonā.
Šis Premium klases mājoklis atrodas elegantā pagalma ēkā augstajā beletāžas stāvā, nodrošinot mierpilnu, drošu un komfortablu vidi, vienlaikus baudot pilsētas priekšrocības.
Dzīvokļa priekšrocības:
Platība: 68 m², griestu augstums 4 m, kas piešķir telpām plašumu un eleganci.
Plānojums: Trīs istabas, no kurām divas ir izolētas guļamistabas – lieliski piemērotas gan dzīvošanai, gan darbam.
Ērtības: Kamīns ar siltuma izvadi telpā radīs mājīgu atmosfēru un nodrošinās papildu komfortu ziemas vakaros.
Dizains un apdare – izcils kvalitātes un gaumes apvienojums:
"Reaton" Zanes Gailes dizaina durvis – mākslas darbs ikdienā.
"Stikla Studija" bīdāmie mehānismi un durvis – gaisīgums un modernitāte.
"HL Studija" flīzes – izsmalcināts stils un laikmetīgums.
"Renova (Schneider)" dizaina līnijas slēdži un rozetes – funkcionalitāte ar estētisku akcentu.
Eleganti moldingi uz sienām un griestiem, kas atgādina par ēkas vēsturisko mantojumu.
Augstvērtīgs oša parkets un Vorwerk paklāja segums – komforts un ilgmūžība.
Papildu ieguvumi:
Dzīvoklis tikko piedzīvojis kapitālo remontu (pabeigts 2025. gada Janvārī).
2025. gadā plānota ēkas fasādes restaurācija, kas vēl vairāk uzlabos ēkas estētiku un vērtību.
Ideāla atrašanās vieta – Klusā centra sirds, kur kultūra, izsmalcināta vide un pilsētas ērtības ir rokas stiepiena attālumā.
Šis mājoklis ir piemērots gan tiem, kas meklē elegantu un ērtas mājvietu, gan tiem, kas vēlas ieguldīt īpašumā ar ilgtspējīgu vērtību.
Dzīvoklis, kas interjerā apvieno gan moderno un laikmetīgo, gan klasisko un mūžīgo.
Sazinieties jau šodien, lai vienotos par apskates laiku un iepazītu šo gaumes un klasisku vērtību apvienojumu.
A sophisticated modern classic apartment is on offer in the prestigious Quiet Center district.
This Premium class home is located in an elegant courtyard building on the high mezzanine floor, providing a peaceful, safe and comfortable environment, while enjoying the benefits of the city.
Apartment advantages:
Area: 68 m², ceiling height 4 m, which gives the rooms spaciousness and elegance.
Layout: Three rooms, two of which are isolated bedrooms - perfect for both living and working.
Amenities: A fireplace with heat output in the room will create a cozy atmosphere and provide additional comfort on winter evenings.
Design and decoration - an excellent combination of quality and taste:
"Reaton" Zane Gaile design doors - a work of art in everyday life.
"Stikla Studija" sliding mechanisms and doors - airiness and modernity.
"HL Studija" tiles - sophisticated style and contemporaneity.
"Renova (Schneider)" design line switches and sockets – functionality with an aesthetic accent.
Elegant moldings on the walls and ceilings, reminiscent of the building's historical heritage.
High-quality ash parquet and Vorwerk carpeting – comfort and longevity.
Additional benefits:
The apartment has just undergone a major renovation (completed in January 2025).
Restoration of the building's facade is planned for 2025, which will further improve the aesthetics and value of the building.
Ideal location – the heart of the quiet center, where culture, sophisticated environment and city amenities are within easy reach.
This home is suitable for both those looking for an elegant and comfortable home and those who want to invest in a property with sustainable value.
An apartment that combines both modern and contemporary, as well as classic and timeless in its interior.
Contact us today to arrange a viewing time and discover this combination of taste and classic values.
A sophisticated modern classic apartment is on offer in the prestigious Quiet Center district.
This Premium class home is located in an elegant courtyard building on the high mezzanine floor, providing a peaceful, safe and comfortable environment, while enjoying the benefits of the city.
Apartment advantages:
Area: 68 m², ceiling height 4 m, which gives the rooms spaciousness and elegance.
Layout: Three rooms, two of which are isolated bedrooms - perfect for both living and working.
Amenities: A fireplace with heat output in the room will create a cozy atmosphere and provide additional comfort on winter evenings.
Design and decoration - an excellent combination of quality and taste:
"Reaton" Zane Gaile design doors - a work of art in everyday life.
"Stikla Studija" sliding mechanisms and doors - airiness and modernity.
"HL Studija" tiles - sophisticated style and contemporaneity.
"Renova (Schneider)" design line switches and sockets – functionality with an aesthetic accent.
Elegant moldings on the walls and ceilings, reminiscent of the building's historical heritage.
High-quality ash parquet and Vorwerk carpeting – comfort and longevity.
Additional benefits:
The apartment has just undergone a major renovation (completed in January 2025).
Restoration of the building's facade is planned for 2025, which will further improve the aesthetics and value of the building.
Ideal location – the heart of the quiet center, where culture, sophisticated environment and city amenities are within easy reach.
This home is suitable for both those looking for an elegant and comfortable home and those who want to invest in a property with sustainable value.
An apartment that combines both modern and contemporary, as well as classic and timeless in its interior.
Contact us today to arrange a viewing time and discover this combination of taste and classic values.